Feeling disconnected with your Congregants?

Feeling disconnected with your Church and fellow workers?

We at EinNel, provide digital transformation solutions to all churches.

Christianity is India’s third largest religion after Hinduisim and Islam. Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians are Some of the major denominations. they all differ in language, social custom, and economic status. To see our brothers and sisters in Christ seated as Cabinet Ministers, Governors, Judges, University Chancellors, Bureaucrats etc., is indeed a great privilege and joy.

Why do we need to attend a church?

"The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones." - Henry Ward Beecher

Education is an inevitable part of our lives. Firstly, in our early stages of our lives we go to schools and colleges where we are prepared for our employment and are taught to play well with others. Secondly, we enter into a phase where we are full of energy and make big bucks. This work phase doesn’t provide moral education. Finally, we enter into senescence, a period of rest. In all these phases of our lives church is a constant place where we become better humans. It is a place where we grow by helping others and encouraging one another.

Citizens with good moral values are always a great asset for a country’s development. As a good church helps in nourishing good moral values in a life, it is the duty of the society to support them. This doesn’t mean that one can make laws or oppress someone in following a belief.

As we serve a God who gives us increase, church is always growing in all seasons. Keeping in touch with all the members, praying for each other, helping the needy are key elements which represent a healthy church. Hit by pandemic we are not able to connect with everyone as we did during church gatherings. But why should we loose hope in the era of digitalisation?

What do we lack in this time?

Social distancing, sanitising everything have become our new normal. In such a time as this, we can not expect our pastors to lay hands on us to pray for us. Being confined to our homes, we can not pay our tithes as we usually do. When the government announced lockdown all of a sudden, our first questions were where and how do we attend Sunday services, how do we connect with our church, where do we find our church’s messages and many more. How would our lives be without YouTube where we watch Sunday sermons these days? You Tube always fills our feed with many other sermons around the world giving us a choice to choose from. Filling our lives with sound doctrine is very much necessary. How do we find one? We always have a bond with our local church. Finding all the resources from our local church at one place makes a life of a believer easy. The church administration also struggles to achieve this. An application to organise all our church related events sounds good!

How can EinNel help you?

We at EinNel have developed a cloud based church management application called “Ecclesia” that helps churches to address all the issues discussed above. There is a platform called “Ecclesia” where we address three major issues. Firstly, it provides membership management, accounting and event management all under one roof. Secondly, time spent in manual accounting is reduced and one can get great insights into church expenses. Now there is no need to fear when you are asked to submit your profits. That sounds great! Thirdly, church communication is enhanced and your relationships are nurtured.

What’s more?

There are more developments being made to help your church grow in all levels. We are designing a special section for kids to ensure that they will never miss their Sunday-school feel. We are planning to add classrooms for them where they can login and attend their classes as they do in their school. We are planning for other activities which will keep them engaged.

We are coming up with a literature section for all book lovers to find good books that help us to grow. One can find all bible teachings here which empower, enlighten and enrich an individual.

With every individual owning a smartphone, we are developing a mobile version of our application which can be used anywhere and anytime.

Our goal:

Seek first the kingdom of God.– Matthew 6:33

Moses a man with whom God spoke face to face is the one who wrote the first five books of the Bible, the Torah. If Moses would have led his life in the royal Egyptian palace, he wouldn’t have compiled these five books which is a blessing to the whole world.

The book of Ephesians written by Paul hits on a wide range of moral and ethical behaviours, designed to ensure believers are living up to our heavenly calling. There are instructions given to children, parents, governments, citizens, workers, you name it.

What a privilege is to have Jesus our Lord and Saviour! And how much we are indebted to bring this good news to everyone in this world. We at EinNel being a solution provider for churches delivering revolutionary technology solutions for digitally transforming businesses have come forward to bring digital solutions for the pandemic hit churches.